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Sutton Workboats

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These pictures were taken at low water and give a clear view of the twin cigar-shaped hulls. These are the key to the boats stability and low water-resistance.


The boat has been designed to give the maximum amount of available deck space. The shelter deck gives protection from the elements. In this commercial version, it has been used to house some of the heavy fishing equipment.


The cabin layout can be customised to suit individual demands. We can provide an empty shell for you to fit out yourself or can provide a quote for the installation of the electronic navigation, depth sounding and position fixing instrumentation of your choice. We are agents for the Euronav range of SeaPro Chartwork/Navigation software.


The boat is designed to use cheap low power outboard engines mounted on each of the twin hulls. The fishing version was installed with twin 9.5HP engines and achieved 8 knots in trials. A second boat is under construction and will be fitted with twin 25Hp engines.

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